Lucy Mills BA(Hons), MA, MACP.
Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist
Specialist child psychotherapy for young people age 0-25
Therapeutic support for parents and carers
Help with emotional, behavioural and mental health problems
Privacy Notice
This privacy notice is to explain what information I collect and hold about you, why this data is collected, who it is shared with and how it is stored.
Organisation Name
Lucy Mills, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist
I am the Data Processor and Data Controller. I do not have any employees or associates.
ICO Registration Reference
Types of data collected
Personal and Sensitive Personal Data
Personal data is any information which can identify you as an individual. It does not include anonymised data.
Sensitive Personal Data includes information about your health, personal history, beliefs, feelings, culture, etc.
How is data collected
Personal data is collected via the Client Details Form you are asked to complete and Consent to Contact Professionals form where appropriate. You may also have provided me with some contact details via email. Other personal information of this kind shared verbally by you/ your child in sessions may be recorded in clinical notes. Sometimes information of this kind is communicated to me by a third party involved with your family (e.g. social worker).
Sensitive personal data is gathered in sessions and is recorded in the clinical notes. This may also include reports or assessments from other professionals that you may wish to share with me e.g. psychological/ psychiatric/ paediatric reports etc. and information communicated to me by other professionals involved with your family e.g. social worker/ teacher etc.
Purpose for which Data is collected
For the effective provision of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy treatment. This is the only purpose for which your personal and sensitive data is collected.
If I need to share your data for another purpose such as safeguarding – i.e. sharing personal and sensitive information with other professionals to ensure your child's safety then I will always endeavour to discuss this with you first.
If your data is requested for another purpose i.e. as part of a police investigation or court process then you will be notified immediately.
What Information I Hold & Why
Yours and your child's contact details and relevant medical information are required as a condition of treatment. This is so that assessment and treatment can be provided effectively e.g. so that I can contact you regarding appointment times, invoicing etc, and so that I am aware of any medical diagnoses that may inform my assessment or medical conditions that might require an urgent response. It is very important that any information that I hold about you is up to date, so please let me know if there are any changes to the details that you have provided as soon as possible.
Psychotherapy treatment inevitably involves the sharing of sensitive personal information including personal and medical history as this is integral to the work of therapy and to provide a framework for understanding the difficulties that have caused you to seek help.
Clinical notes are kept after each session as a record of attendance and treatment progress. These notes will include sensitive personal information, for example family history, thoughts, feelings and beliefs that you/ your child have shared with me. These notes are confidential and are not shared with anyone else. The only exception would be if the notes were required by the police or courts in connection with a legal process.
Data Security
Personal and sensitive information are stored digitally using encrypted products. Any reports or correspondence sent by email by me will be password protected. Paper notes are kept securely locked at all times when not in use. I ask that you do not share sensitive personal information with me via email or text message to ensure your privacy.
Information Sharing – When, With Whom & Why
If your child begins therapy following assessment, then their name, address and parent's/carers' names and telephone contact details will be shared with 2 clinical trustees. Sensitive personal information is not shared. It is a requirement of ACP membership that all clinicians working privately will arrange for 2 colleagues to keep a list of current cases and commitments. This is so that in the event of, e.g. serious illness of the therapist, a colleague will be able to contact clients and make appropriate arrangements.
It is a condition of treatment that parents/carers of children in ongoing therapy inform their GP when treatment begins and when it ends. I will only contact your GP directly in circumstances either where you have requested this or where I believe that that there is an immediate and urgent risk to your child's health and well-being. In a situation where further help is required to ensure your child's safety then Child Protection guidelines will be followed. If I need to contact other professionals, I will always endeavour to discuss with you first what information will be shared, with whom and why. Any information shared is limited to a strictly 'need to know' basis.
Sometimes there are other professionals involved with your family who I will need to liaise with so that we can work as a team to support your child (e.g. social worker, teacher, psychiatrist). Any information shared will be on a need to know basis, and will be discussed with you beforehand. Any reports I am asked for concerning your child's contact with me will be shared with you. This is likely to include sensitive personal information.
Any other professionals with whom your information is shared are also subject to GDPR regulations and a duty of confidentiality.
ACP membership requires that all therapists attend regular clinical supervision of their work. Sensitive information is shared with the supervisor – however, no identifying personal information is shared. Case material discussed in supervision is anonymised so that you / your child cannot be identified.
How Long is Information Kept For?
It is a legal requirement that for children who are aged under 18 during the time of treatment, all their records are kept until 7 years following the child's 18th birthday. Where the young person turns 18 or is over 18 years old during treatment, records are kept until 7 years following the end of treatment. At the end of this period of time all notes and records are destroyed.
Your Rights
You / your child may request to see your child's notes and I will respond within 40 days. However, please note that confidentiality is central to therapy. Therefore any requests of this kind would require detailed consideration, including why the request is being made, whether this is in your child's best interests and possible implications for treatment.
You have the right to request correction of any inaccurate information held about you.
You may also request deletion of your data. If there is no legal requirement for me to keep it then this is possible.
There is no fee related to the request to access, revise, correct or delete your data.
More information about your rights is available at
How to Complain
If you are not happy with any aspect of how I collect and use your data, please let me know so that I can try and resolve this. You are also able to contact the Information Commissioner's Office ( with any complaints. My ICO reference number is at the top of this document.